Norfair from Metroid has Wario enacting a Hostile Show Takeover of the rip, causing the rip to become a mashup with Wario World's file select music punctuated by Wario's voice clips.And there's at least one Princess Daisy note generally considered the second best character in the game soundclip in there too. Title Theme from Pokemon Puzzle League.Item Acquisition (NTSC Version) from Super Metroid is made from the intro to Bird Up.Waluigi even attempts to get in on the action, but gets shot down by Wario. Battle! (Champion) from Pokémon Crystal.Who's that Pokemon? No, it's not Grand Dad. A mashup of the Champion theme and "HUMBLE." would be full-on Awesome Music if Galaxy Goats's Minecraft parody of the latter song wasn't used. Fortunately, the original version, made by former contributor BotanicSage, can be found here.

Team Plasma (Alpha Mix) from Pokémon Black and White starts as Awesome Music, being a remix of " Stardust Crusaders". In all game options, apart from Time Trials and the mini-games, there are on-track bonuses to be collected for weapons, armour and defence.However, the song starts repeating and blue-balling, and then switches to a remix of the theme song of JoJo's Circus ( Get it?), with some random voice clips of Joseph Joestar's memetic Gratuitous English phrases. Players have three lives and compete in any of four arenas, last one standing wins. Battle: this is the only game mode that is unique to the multiplayer game. Single Race: also the same as the single player option Championship: this is the same as the single player option In the two-player mode the game options are: The music tracks available in these games are 'Hey Baby', 'I'm too sexy', 'Final Countdown', 'Axel F', and 'Popcorn'. Crazy dance can be performed in three levels of difficulty with any of the music tracks. > In Crazy Dance arrows appear rhythmically on screen and the player must hit the corresponding button on the numeric keypad 'bemani' style. There is a separate arena for each music track and each has three difficulty levels. When it hits a robot, or when it runs out of momentum, it stops and a rotating compass ring appears around it, when the dial is pointing in the desired direction the player presses the Spacebar and the process repeats. The frog is fired from a canon onto the play area where it careens around destroying any robots it hits. > Crazy Frog Pinball is unlike most pinball games as there are no paddles. Mini Games, there are two of these Crazy Frog Pinball and Crazy Dance. Time Trials where the player races round the track with no opponents aiming to beat their previous best time Chase Race where the player must stay ahead of the chasing drones for as long as possible Single Race with twelve different courses and twelve characters available There are four cups to win, The Football Cup, The Ice Cup, The City Cup, and the Beach Cup, initially The Football Cup is the only one available the last three must be unlocked by winning the previous trophy. All the single player options apart from Time Trials have three levels of difficulty, the options are: Though this is, at its heart, a basic racing game there are lots of options. Its default controls are all on the keyboard but joystick and paddle are also supported. The game installs in English, French, German, Italian or Spanish at a default resolution of 800圆00 but this can be changed. The game also includes the two videos released by the Crazy Frog, "Axel F" and "Popcorn".
Crazy Frog Racer 2 is a one- or two-player game featuring "the most annoying thing on the planet" and friends in a series of races and mini-games.