Perhaps some kind of big risk, but big reward affair?Īs soon as we have more information we'll update this article. Smith mentions that they do not want to remove the difficulty from raiding, so we wouldn't be surprised if this new death penalty is an entirely new mechanic that allows you to bring your teammates back to life - but at a cost. In hard mode (also known as Heroic), players can't be revived at all, and will only respawn automatically if their fireteam progresses to the next checkpoint.Īlthough we don't know how the new death penalty will work in Destiny 2, we can infer from what's been said that players may well have a chance to revive their teammates faster in both normal and hard mode. When players die in normal mode they have to wait 30 seconds before a teammate can revive them. Raids in the original Destiny feature different death penalties for different raid difficulty settings. We believe that motivated groups of players can take on these challenges and complete them. "But we don’t want to change the difficulty because we believe our players are smart. So we have a brand new death penalty and on the normal mode raids people have talked about wanting to remove it because it’s different and why not just use the strike difficulty. I think it’s pretty unfun to die and just watch on hard mode. We had a conversation – we have a brand new death penalty in the game for raiding. "I don’t want to bring the difficulty down. “The raids should always be challenging you to cooperate, collaborate, and communicate," he began. Bungie will place raids and dungeons released before Destiny 2: The Witch Queen expansion into a rotation in Season 17 according to the This Week At Bungie post.There will be a raid rotator and a.